Barcelona: An Architectural Marvel

Diane Kennedy in Barcelona

First stop on my action-packed European adventure was the incredible city of Barcelona. How do you pack the wonder of such a beautiful city into a few words and photographs? My intention with this post was to give you a feel for the architectural design details on the buildings that one can observe while exploring and soaking in the ambiance of the city.

Diane Kennedy in Barcelona

 As we arrived at our hotel, my eyes were instantly drawn to a sight that was just across the street. It was an incredible building crafted with such intricately detailed wrought iron work. I later discovered that this architectural marvel was none other than Palau Guell, a masterpiece designed by the renowned Antoni Gaudi. 

Diane Kennedy in Barcelona
Palau Guell by Antoni Gaudi
This was the roof top of the same building, Palau Guell. (as viewed from the roof of our hotel)

Palau Guell by Antoni Gaudi
The next day we went in search of more Gaudi buildings like the famous Casa Batllo...
Casa Batllo
...and the equally stunning but contrasting building beside it called Casa Amatller.
Casa AmatllerAs we walked around the city, each building was more unique and beautiful than the last.
buildings in Barcelona
The variety and intricacy of the wrought iron balconies was astonishing...
balconies of Barcelona
Just look at this Art Nouveau detail!
Art Nouveau balcony
And these unique shaped and tiled rooftops...
skyline of domed buildings in barcelona
I'm thrilled to have shared a glimpse of Barcelona's stunning design with you. My creative heart was authentically discovering inspiration that truly resonated with me at every turn. 

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